Blog of Sunday October 31th, 2010
1. hair color ? I like guys with dark hair.
2. eye color ? brown
3. height ? taller than me, but not too tall
4. six pack ? that's not important to me
5. long or short hair ? short hair
6. glasses ? ok:D
7. piercings ? please no XD
8. scars ? You can't do anything about that.
9. eyebrows ? Not too thick
10. big butt or little ? whaha :P not too big XD
11. chest hair ? eehh, if its not too much hair XD
12. buff or skinny ? between buff and skinny
13. straight teeth, gap, or braces ? straight
14. funny or serious ? funny but also can be serious
15. party or stay at home ? I like a guy who like to go to parties once in a while, but not all the time.
16. should he cook or bake ? it would be great if he could
17. should he have a best friend ? Yes
18. should he have a lotta girlfriends? no, not a lot, but few.
19. outgoing or shy ? both, more outgoing and a little bit shy.
20. sarcastic or sincere ? sincere
21. should he love his mother ? yes, ofcourse
22. should he watch chick flicks ? hehe, yes, together with me!
23. would he be a smoker ? no, I don't like smokers
24. would he drink ? not too much
25. would he swear ? no, he should not swear a lot.
26. would he play with your hair? sometimes
27. one or more girls at a time ? what kind of question is this XD
28. would he pay for dates ? that would be really sweet of him.
29. does he kiss on the first date ? No, maybe a kiss on the cheek is ok.
30. where would you go to dinner ? to a nice, delicious restaurant.
31. would he bring you flowers ? well, that would be nice.
32. would he lay under the stars with you? that would be amazing.
33. would he write poetry about you? that's romantic
34. would he call you hunny, sweetie, or baby ? whaha, yeah, why not.
35. would he hang out with you and YOUR friends? if he wants to..
36. would you hang out with him and HIS friends ? sometimes
37. will he walk you to the door at the end? it depends, but I am fine when he brings me home
38. holding hands ? yes, that would be really nice
39. soccer ? if he's not really a big/ extreme fan
40. baseball ? thats ok
41. basketball ? also ok
42. football ? uh, no
43. water polo ? I would say, no
44. surf ? thats cool
45. skateboard ? also cool
46. snowboard ? same as above, cool
47. sing? for me, yes
48. play guitar? thats cool if he can
49. play piano ? also cool
50. play drums ? its good if he can
51. clean his room ? yes i don't like it when he's messy
52. paint, draw, sculpt ? thats cool if he is good at it
53. writes his own music ? that would be totally cool
54. use the word dude ? sounds weird if he says it to me
55. use the word tight ? tight?
56. would he watch the sunrise with you ? yes ofcourse
57. what kind of car does he drive ? it doesn't matter to me
58. how old is he? a bit older than me.5
59. what would his name be...? I don't know...
Love, LC
Ps. I use this questions about the perfect guy from Wendy, I saw it on her blog and I thought it was funny XD