Well, the colour of my hair changed.. first I had golden brown, now its mid-brown. And I lost weight. My appearance hasn't change a lot.. but from the inside I have changed..
I am one year older and wiser.. I am single again after a relationship of 3 years.. I know now, that I am stronger than I thought I was. I know that I have to accept things that are out of my control.. I am more open than I was before... I always keep things inside of me.. but now I am more open, but I am still shy when it comes to strangers.
This year is really a tough, but amazing year..
* I had the chance to go to Singapore & Indonesia.. the world has opened for me.. I met family I have never seen before...
* I dropped out of University and now I am still trying hard to find a job..
* I believe that after everything I am going through.. everything will turn out really well for me.. I just need to believe in it and hold on...
Love, LC
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