Shopping-streets are decorated for Christmas and stores has products that are involved around Christmas; an example is Starbucks.
Starbucks has three flavours for december: Toffee Nut Latte, Pepermint Mocha and Praline Mocha. My BF & I had Toffe Nut Latte and Praline Mocha. It tasted good, but because of the cold weather and the whipped cream; the coffee got cold really fast.
It snowed a lot before Christmas. As you can see at the picture above (taken in Almere). There was a lot of trouble with public transportations like bus and train. Also for cars; it was difficult to drive on the road, because it was slippery, snow storms and the snow were really thick.
Christmas isn't Christmas without a Christmas tree. My mom loves bears. So every year we have a Christmas Bear Tree. The theme colours this year are red and gold.
Every year I celebrate the first Christmas Day @ home. My mom cooks Christmas Diner for a lot of people. This year for 19 people; all family from my mother's side. It's fun and nice to see family again and I find it amazing that my mom and my dad can organize the Christmas Diner.
This year my younger sister got a Curling Iron for Christmas, So she did her hair and my hair.
Here is a picture of me and my bf. He specially 'suited up'for me. He's really crazy, sweet and cute. He surprised me by coming on Christmas Eve. The 2th Christmas Day I celebrated it at his house.
I really love celebrating Christmas this year. It was fun, relax and nice. I have celebrate Christmas Eve and both Christmas Days with people I love and who means a lot to me.
I really love celebrating Christmas this year. It was fun, relax and nice. I have celebrate Christmas Eve and both Christmas Days with people I love and who means a lot to me.
Love, LC
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