SALE!!! When I heard that my parents wanted to go to Rotterdam I was happy, because there is sale in the stores. I love SALE!!! Until I went today; it was really crowded and the stores are really a mess... So I hate SALE today. Hehe, but even so I still found some cool stuff.

@ Bijenkorf I found Cloud 9 stuff with discount. I brought 3 bday cards for 50 eurocent per card, 2 photo albums, 1 pack of badges and 2 shoppingbags inside the panda bear. 1 photo album is with cats. This all cost 13,50 euro.

I also brought Wii Sing it: Family Hits @ Futurezone, The Khaki Racoon Beanie @ River Island (8 euro) and a present for someone special. (*^_^*)

@ New Look: 2 scarfs (grey and white) 4 euro each, 1 black glove (3 euro) and a black dress (19 euro)
This is a better picture of the black dress that I brought @ New Look
Because I went to fitness this morning and did the groupslesson, my legs are already painful, so after shopping my legs are just killing me. Shouldn't go shopping when I went to fitness XD
Love, LC
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